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content for every screen

In a world that never stops moving, QuickFlip Media is here to help you create, innovate, and share your story.

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Next dates will be announced soon

2964 Government St Suite B

Baton Rouge, LA 70806

1 pm until 5 pm

The "Creating and Editing Video Content on a Budget" workshop is a hands-on, three-day course designed to you how to create high-quality video content using just a cell phone and basic gear. You will learn essential videography techniques, explore affordable equipment options, and gain practical experience in video editing. 

Upcoming Workshop

With video content projected to make up 82% of internet traffic in 2024, businesses can no longer afford to overlook the power of video. Not only does video provide useful information, it also helps boost search engine optimization.


Integrating video into marketing campaigns enables businesses to reach larger audiences since 84% percent of users are more likely watch online videos than read text-based advertisements and promotions.


When used properly, video has been proven effective at increasing conversion rates due its ability capture viewers' attention quickly while providing call-to-action buttons.

Podcasts are an excellent way to enhance a marketing campaign and increase brand loyalty. They allow for personal conversations between brands and their audiences with the ability to connect on a deeper level than other forms of media. 


Podcast advertising has statistically shown to generate more than 4 times better brand recall in consumers than display ads. In a Nielsen survey, 70% of respondents reported that a product ad increased their awareness of a new product or service. This means an overwhelming number of podcast listeners remember hearing an advertisement included in a podcast. 

When you're ready to tell your story, we can help you record, produce and publish your content. 

Season 1, Episode 8ThrivTALK
00:00 / 18:30
Season 1, Episode 1Do The Thing
00:00 / 18:30
Episode 9, Season 1Walls Plus One
00:00 / 35:55
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